Moving your RetirementView subscription to a new computer

I have a new computer. How do I move my Retirementview program to a new computer.

Moving the software:

1).  First you need to go to 1st computer and run the software. Then go under the Purchase menu and select User Information and write down EXACTLY how you entered your name and birthdate on that screen. (if Couples edition you need to use both sets of names and birthdates)

2). Second, go under Purchase menu then Enter activation key ... and write down or copy and email the Activation Key.  You will need to enter that on your 2nd computer after installation.

3).  Third, go to your 2nd computer, go to this web page to install the SAME version you purchased:



4). Then after installation, run the software, enter the name and birthdate EXACTLY as on other computer.

-- If your old computer's subscription is expired, you can still see the names and birthdates by closing the window that says "Renew Now" and enter the demo version.  Once there, go to the Purchase dropdown and select User Information.

5). Then click "Activate after Purchase" and on next screen enter the activation key in the STEP 3 section.

6). Exit the software.

Moving your files - WINDOWS instructions:

1). Move data from old computer to new

a). For Personal or Couples versions, you can copy your data file from:
         Documents\Torrid Technologies\Retirement Savings Planner\defaults.rp8
To the same location on the new computer.

Run the software again and it should read in your data.

b).  For the Pro version, you may want to copy your client files over from this location on first computer:  Documents\Torrid Technologies\Retirement Savings Planner\Client Files to the same location on the new computer.

c.). Also there is just one settings file that controls your branding and contact info as well as your disclaimers if you have edited them. 

C:\Documents and Settings\[Your Username]\Application Date\Torrid Technologies\Retirement Savings Planner\Cust.ini

HOWEVER, if copying the cust.ini file seems too technical to you to move to your new computer, you can just skip that step.  But then in RetirementView on the new computer, you will have to re-enter your contact info and disclaimers under the PRO menu at the top of the program.  So if you are ok with re-entering that, then you can skip moving over the cust.ini.

If instead, though, you do not want to re-enter everything because it is already exactly the way you like it, then copy over the cust.ini file to the new computer.  BUT YOU HAVE TO DO THAT AFTER YOU HAVE ALREADY INSTALLED THE SOFTWARE.  Exit the software, then copy over that file.

Where [Your Username] is the computer account name you are using in Windows.  For example: JSmith is typical or perhaps first name John.  It's usually related to your name and setup when you first install windows or by your "tech guy".

RECAP: If you copy the cust.ini file over to the same location on new computer, then you won't have to retype in your contact info and disclaimers.

Option 2: If your company name, address, contact info, and Disclaimers and Compliance Statements are not correct after installing on the new computer, you can quickly and easily change those in the PRO menu at the top of the RetirementView window.

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